Emigre Magazine Issue 5

Emigre #5

Edizione Italo-Francese (1986)
Sold Out

32 pages, 11.5 x 17.
Printed at Lompa Printing, Albany, CA.
Publisher and art director: Rudy VanderLans.
Associate publishers: Menno Meyjes and Marc Susan.
Digital type design and typesetting: Zuzana Licko.

Browse all pages of Emigre #5 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.

, San Bernardino (poem, single sheet, folded and attached to page 1).
, Extreme Exposure (interview with ).
, Cherries in the Afternoon (short stories and photographs).
, I Spent the Summer in Paris (short story and design).
, interview with .
, interview with .
, Pinocchio Furioso (text and illustrations).
, 1916 (text and illustrations).
, (back cover design).