Emigre #5
32 pages, 11.5 x 17.
Printed at Lompa Printing, Albany, CA.
Publisher and art director: Rudy VanderLans.
Associate publishers: Menno Meyjes and Marc Susan.
Digital type design and typesetting: Zuzana Licko.
Browse all pages of Emigre #5 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.
Peter Plate, San Bernardino (poem, single sheet, folded and attached to page 1).
Rudy VanderLans, Extreme Exposure (interview with Ermanno Di Febo).
Susan Roberts, Cherries in the Afternoon (short stories and photographs).
Susan E. King, I Spent the Summer in Paris (short story and design).
Jeffrey Browning, interview with William Passarelli.
Rudy VanderLans, interview with Roberto Barazzuol.
Gianmaria Mussio, Pinocchio Furioso (text and illustrations).
Didier Crémieux, 1916 (text and illustrations).
Roberto Barazzuol, (back cover design).