Emigre Magazine Issue 35

Emigre #35

Mouthpiece (1995)
Sold Out

64 pages, 8.25 x 11.25.
Printed at Cal Central, Sacramento, CA.
Guest editor, designer: Anne Burdick.
Production assistant: Rudy VanderLans.

Browse all pages of Emigre #35 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.

, Introduction/ Circumspection (design: Burdick).
, Writing and Design and the Subject (essay, design: Michael Worthington).
, WD 40... or the Importance of David Holzman’s Diary (essay, design: Earls).
, To go about noisily: Clutter, Writing and Design (essay, design: Anne Burdick).
, The Voyages of the Desire (essay, design: Mount).
, Designs on Painting (essay, design: Spadaro and Blauvelt).
(including Andrew Blauvelt, Martha Scotford, and Robin Kinross).
, The Future of Writing (essay, design: Anne Burdick).
, Ways of Looking Closer (book review, design: Gonzales Crisp).