Emigre #49
80 pages, 8.375 x 10.875.
Edition of 50,000.
Printed at American Web, Denver, CO.
Designer and editor: Rudy VanderLans.
Emigre Fonts: Zuzana Licko.
Browse all pages of Emigre #49 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.
Rudy VanderLans, Introduction.
Kenneth Garland, First Things First (manifesto, 1964).
Kalle Lasn, The People vs. The Corporate Cool Machine (essay).
Rudy VanderLans, separate interviews with Adbusters’ Editor Kalle Lasn and Art Director Chris Dixon.
Kevin Fenton, Minneapolis Acute (review of “Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This”: A Guide to Creating Great Ads by Luke Sullivan).
Carrie McLaren, Licensed to Sell (essay).
The Emigre Catalog, (introducing Brothers and Council typeface families by John Downer).
Thomas Frank, Why Johnny Can’t Dissent (essay).
Jonathan Dee, But is it Advertising? Capitalist Realism at the Clio Awards (essay).
The Readers Respond, (mail, including Shawn Wolfe and Elizabeth Resnick).