Emigre #37
64 pages, 8.25 x 11.25.
Printed at Cal Central, Sacramento, CA.
Editor and designer: Rudy VanderLans.
Co-editor: Anne Burdick.
Emigre Fonts: Zuzana Licko.
Browse all pages of Emigre #37 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.
Daniel X. O'Neil, Joint Venture: Writers, Designers, and the New Language of Collaboration (essay).
Anne Burdick, separate interviews with Stephen Farrell and Steve Tomasula.
Rudy VanderLans, Not Paris nor Santa Cruz / Not 1967 nor 1973, interview with Marc Nagtzaam).
Rudy VanderLans, interview with Daniel X. O’Neil.
Mail (including Robin Kinross, Gérard Mermoz and Michael Bierut).