Emigre #31
40 pages, 11.25 x 16.75.
Edition of 7,500.
Printed at Cal Central, Sacramento, CA.
Designer and editor: Rudy VanderLans.
Emigre Fonts: Zuzana Licko.
Designer at large: Gail Swanlund.
Browse all pages of Emigre #31 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.
Lyndon Valicenti, (inside cover illustration).
Rudy VanderLans, Raising Voices (introduction).
Mail (including Teal Triggs, Gunnar Swanson, Mike Kippenhan, Brian Smith, Martin Venezky and Lisa Ashworth).
Rudy VanderLans, separate conversations with Andrew Blauvelt, Diane Gromala, Michael Rock and Kali Nikitas.
Andrew Blauvelt, The Cult(ivation) of Discrimination: The Taste-Making Politics of Steven Heller (essay).
Lisa Ashworth, A Sublime Proposal: What if Paul Rand were a Woman? (essay).