Emigre Magazine Issue 42

Emigre #42

The Mercantile Issue (1997)
Sold Out

80 pages, 8.375 x 10.875.
Edition of 43,000.
Printed at American Web, Denver, CO.
Publisher and designer: Rudy VanderLans.
Emigre Fonts: Zuzana Licko.

Browse all pages of Emigre #42 in high resolution at Letterform Archive.

, Introduction.
, Design(er) Type or Graphic Designers who Design Typefaces (and the Typographers who Forgive Them) (essay).
, Decay and Renewal in Typeface Markets: Variations on a Typographical Theme (essay).
, (including Mrs Eaves, Filosofia and Matrix typeface families by Zuzana Licko).
, On Classifying Type (essay).
, Walking in the City (review of Mixing Messages: Graphic Design and Contemporary Culture exhibition).
(including Bill Gubbins).