Joshua Tree
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Published by Emigre. 96 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 31 full color photographs, cloth cover with blind emboss, sewn and case bound, with CD attached in the back.
Joshua Tree is a collaborative project produced by Rudy VanderLans. It is the third and final book of photos in a trilogy that focuses on the Southern California landscape. Vanderlans arrives at his subjects by following the trails of his heroes from the world of music - those who have immortalized So Cal through their songs and lives. This book is a tribute to Gram Parsons, one-time member of The Byrds and co-founder of the infamous Flying Burrito Brothers. The photography focuses on Joshua Tree National Park and the surrounding environment of the Mojave desert, an area Parsons often frequented and the place in which he eventually died.
The book includes a series of eight poems by Brian Schorn titled "Elegies From A Cosmic American Ecosystem," as well as a CD featuring music by Itchy Pet, Damon & Naomi, Scenic, The Grassy Knoll, and Honey Barbara. The CD also presents a two-part orchestral extravaganza titled “The Joshua Tree Suite," a special contribution by Van Dyke Parks whose song "Palm Desert" was the subject of the first book in the trilogy, bringing this project full circle.
Interview with Rudy VanderLans by Dave Mandl for Mute magazine (UK). Published in 2002